Aïcha Touré
Presse/Release "LES ANGES"

Pochette : Artifici_el
Dossier presse Anglais
L’album « Les Anges » est un savant mélange raffiné d'univers musicaux amples et variés, inspirés de différentes cultures profondément éclectique :
afro/latine/chanson française/world...
Cet opus est le deuxième album de Aïcha Touré, artiste autodidacte. Dans un style différent mêlant les sons acoustique et instruments dit traditionnels aux sons modernes. C’est un métissage des genres musicaux des ambiances très souvent joyeuses et entraînantes.
Une musique sans frontière, voyage musicale à travers les cultures les continents, Europe, Amérique du Sud, Afrique. Des paroles qui souvent interrogent l’existence, la société, la vie et invitent à un rendez-vous avec nous même.
« Les Anges » est produit composé et arrangé par Aïcha Touré. Enregistré pendant la période du confinement au studio CRM de Luis Manresa multi-instrumentiste qui à collaboré avec de nombreux artistes tel que Maurane ou encore Yuri Buenaventura.
Luis collabore à la réalisation et la programmation des instrumentaux. Enfin sur ce nouvel opus l'on retrouve deux invités, François Collombon Batteur percussionniste co-arrangeur sur un titre et Laurent Loit dit Pepe basse bassiste sur plusieurs titres.
Mixe : Luis Manresa et Gilles Selince .
Mastering : Gilles Selince
Production CoNTeMPoTaP
Maison d'édition AURASKY MUSIC
Distributeur Physique Inouïe Distribution
Aïcha Touré is a singer, tap dancer & accordionist based in Paris, born in Gabon to a Guinean father (Conakry) and a Gabonese/Hispano/Guinean mother (Equatorial). she developed a passion for tap dancing and learned acrobatics which allowed her to join the legendary ZINGARO equestrian theatre. There she performed acrobatics and horseback riding with Bartabas and the Fratellini circus school with Dominico Caroli. This was the beginning of a journey of encounters and learning about life in cabaret, circus and street theatre with Cie Oposito.... At the same time, she also set up her own company where she performed as a tap dancer for several years before finally turning to music as a self-taught artist, choosing to sing and play the accordion to accompany herself.
In 2018 Aïcha Touré finally released her first beautifull album 'La Vie'.
Both new singles you are discovering are from the forthcoming new album "Les Anges" out on Aurasky Music on the 14th of october. A refined mix of wide and varied musical universes, inspired by different and deeply eclectic cultures: afro/latin/french songs /world...
Aïcha Touré is on lead Vocals, Choirs accordions senza & body percussion .Luis Manresa is on Bass ukulele percussion & beat making.
Sorcière ( Witch) is a tribute to women through the history of witches.
Mémoire (Memory) is her description of the mental wanderings in which a mother with Alzheimer's disease finds herself.
This opus is the second album of , a complete and self-taught artist. In a different style mixing acoustic sounds and traditional instruments with modern sounds. It's a mix of musical genres where everyone can find themselves in their own universe, often joyful and lively.
A music without borders, an invitation to dance and to let go. A real musical journey through the equatorial cultures, the European continents, South America and Africa. Lyrics that often question existence, society, life and invite to a meeting with ourselves.
"Les Anges" is produced, composed and arranged by Aïcha Touré. Recorded during the period of confinement at the CRM studio by Luis Manresa,
Luis collaborates in the production and programming of the instrumentals. Finally on this new opus we find two guests of mark, François Collombon percussionist co-arranger on a title and Laurent Loit says Pepe bassist on several titles.
The listener will soon understand that she has created a unique fusion style that is her trade mark.